Ebrahimpour Trading


People take This plant fragrant for digestion problems, intestinal gas (flatulence), poor appetite, cough, and spasms. This plant fragrant help fight certain types of bacteria.
This plant fragrant is sometimes applied directly to the skin for wounds. In food and beverages, galbanum oil and resin are used as flavoring. In manufacturing, galbanum oil and resin are used as fragrance in cosmetics.

Galbanum gum is hidden in the root of this plant and of course has a pleasant and spicy smell. It is extracted by two methods : tear (drops) and lumpy, and the most common type of extraction used in Iran is the lumpy type, because in this method, by creating a deep scratch in the plant, it causes the gum to come out. but in the tear method, it is extracted using insect bites or natural scratches.



Galbanum is indigenous to Middle East region and grow in Iran mountains(Tehran, Mazandaran, khorasan,Isfahan , Fars and Azerbaijan,Lorestan)  Afghanistan and turkey.


Galbanum name in other countries

Scientific name: Ferula gummosa Boiss.
Syn: Ferula erubescense Boiss., Ferula galbaniflua Boiss.
Generic name: Gummi resina ferulae gummosae
Farsi names: Barijeh, Ashagh, Ghasni.
Arabic names: Ghoneh.



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